ICOMIA and the Recreational Boat Decarbonization

The International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA) has released new research outlining a portfolio of technologies to further reduce carbon emissions from recreational boats. The research focuses on marine propulsion in boats under 24 meters in length. The report, titled “Pathways to Propulsion Decarbonization for the Recreational Marine Industry,” provides guidance to global governments and boating industry stakeholders.

Key findings and recommendations from the research include:

  1. Diversity of Solutions: Due to the unique on-water environment for recreational boating and the varied interests of boaters, a variety of solutions must be considered to continue reducing carbon emissions from recreational boats.
  2. Carbon Emissions from Recreational Boats: Recreational boats account for less than 0.1% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, specifically 0.7% of transportation carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the United States and 0.4% in Europe.
  3. Technologies Investigated: The research investigated propulsion technologies, including battery electric, hybrid electric, hydrogen, internal combustion engines with sustainable marine fuels, and traditional gasoline or diesel engines.
  4. Sustainable Liquid Marine Fuels: Sustainable liquid marine fuels, such as renewable drop-in fuels, are identified as a potentially suitable source of energy to decarbonize recreational boats by up to 90% by 2035.
  5. Hydrogen: Hydrogen is recognized as an emerging technology for reducing carbon emissions from boats, provided its production process is optimized.
  6. Electric Propulsion: While electric propulsion is part of the strategy to decarbonize, it may not be universally suitable for all types of recreational craft and use cases. The study emphasizes the importance of considering both battery lifetime and recharging cycles.
  7. Hybrid Boats: Hybrid boats that use both electric and internal combustion engines powered by liquid fuels offer potential emissions reductions, especially for boats used for longer periods and greater distances.
  8. Cost of Ownership: The impact on the cost of ownership based on propulsion technology is considered, with increases ranging from 5% to 250% expected until alternatives achieve market scale.

ICOMIA calls for a technology-neutral decarbonization approach for marine environments, the development and distribution of sustainable marine fuels, consumer education campaigns, safety standards for marine electric technology, and continued research to evaluate existing and emerging technologies.

The report is part of the “Propelling Our Future” campaign launched by ICOMIA to advance the industry on research-driven technology solutions. For more information and to access the full report, visit propellingourfuture.com.

Reduce your operating costs thanks to retrofit!

Passenger boats: Reduce your operating costs thanks to retrofit!

  • Are you a river navigation professional?
  • Are the operating costs of your thermal boat(s) increasing and severely penalizing your margins?
  • Do you want to actively contribute to the energy transition and improve your image with your customers and partners?

Take advantage of a virtually free conversion study for your boats. Thanks to the retrofit process, you can keep your boats by only transforming the propulsion by switching to electric. You reduce your operating costs and increase your profitability with the simple replacement of your engine. Our customers increase their margin by 60%* on average thanks to converting to electric.

We are Lanéva, a pioneering company in zero-emission navigation for more than 6 years. We have been selected by Entreprises Fluviales de France (E2F) as Project Management Assistant (AMO) for passenger boats of up to 12 people and/or up to 20 meters that wish to make their transition. We support you in your grant application and carry out your study with our naval engineering experts.

Thanks to the support of French river organizations, our study is 90% subsidized.

As such, our study is made up of the following 5 parts:

  • Personalized analysis of boat operation and energy balance
  • Design and detailed technical recommendations
  • Drafting a regulatory file for the inspection body
  • Preparation and monitoring of business consultations
  • Analysis and feedback

All professional actors, wherever they are on the national territory, benefit from subsidies to carry out this study. Do not hesitate to contact us directly to discuss your project and launch your study.

About GATE

GATE is the support group for the energy transition. Imagined by Entreprises Fluviales de France (E2F) and technically supported by the Paris Port Community (CPP), it is a system which aims to support river operators in greening their fleet by putting them in contact with a Project Management Assistant (AMO) to guide them through each stage of their existing boat repowering projects.


Lanéva makes its mark at the 2023 Monaco Yacht Show

**Laneva Makes Its Mark at the Monaco Yacht Show 2023**

From September 27th to 30th, 2023, the prestigious Monaco Yacht Show unveils the jewels of the sea. Among the notable participants, Lanéva stands out with an innovative and environmentally-friendly offering: 100% reversible retrofit kits for your classic boats.


**A Step Towards the Future with Lanéva’s Retrofit Kits**

The shift towards greener solutions is at the forefront of current concerns. Laneva has recognized this and offers retrofit kits that merge the best of both worlds. These kits are not only eco-friendly but also 100% reversible. This means boat owners can enjoy the power and allure of their original boat while adopting a more environmentally-conscious solution. The essence of these kits is to preserve authenticity while embracing the future.


**Test Our First 100% Electric Riva® Ariston at the Show**

For those attending the Monaco Yacht Show, a unique opportunity arises: experience a legendary boat converted to electric using our retrofit kits. Reach out to us to meet our passionate team at the IYC Lounge, and if you wish, test this extraordinary 1961 vintage boat.


Get in contact to book your sea trial !

– Top Speed: 30 knots

– Range: 2h at 15 knots

– Charging Time: 40 min

Guaranteed sensations !

Des kits de rétrofit pour naviguer en 100% électrique !


Lanéva, qui a construit le bateau électrique Vesper, ajoute une nouvelle corde à son arc en proposant des kits pour remotoriser une occasion avec un moteur électrique, un tout-en-un qui permet de naviguer de façon propre et silencieuse. Nous l’avons testé à bord d’un superbe Riva© Ariston de 1961, qui pourra ainsi repartir pour des années de bons et loyaux services. Stupéfiant !

A l’instar de ce qui se passe dans l’automobile, où d’anciens modèles sont rééquipés d’un moteur électrique, la plaisance pourrait bien à son tour être gagnée par ces opérations de rétrofit. Le concept consiste à remplacer le moteur thermique et son réservoir à carburant par un moteur électrique, auquel s’ajoute un parc de batteries. Ou comment redonner une nouvelle jeunesse à une occasion … Certes, il existait déjà dans la plaisance des opérations de ce type. Mais elles étaient jusqu’à présent assez rares. Il y a une petite dizaine d’années, nous nous étions fait l’écho d’un Boston Whaler Vantage qui avait été remotorisé avec une paire de Torqeedo Deep Blue, afin de pouvoir naviguer sur le lac Sainte-Croix (Var) où les moteurs thermiques sont interdits. Avec Lanéva Rétrofit (une division de la société Lanéva, constructeur du Vesper dont l’essai complet a été publié dans le n° 385 de Moteur Boa~, l’idée est de faciliter cette opération de remotorisation, notamment pour le particulier. Une solution clefs en main, prête à être montée Comme le souligne François Richard, fondateur et patron de Lanéva: « On trouve dans ce kit de rétrofit le moteur, la ou les batteries et tous les éléments électroniques. C’est une solution clefs en main. » Un peu à la manière d’un meuble lkea … À une différence près : les kits sont à installer par des professionnels. Ainsi, un partenariat a été noué avec la société italienne Bellini Nautica, spécialiste de la restauration des Riva. Mais ce genre d’accord pourrait être multiplié. « Il existe des demandes pour d’autres marques, comme Chris-Craft, Hacker Craft, Boesch, Pedrazzini, précise François Richard. Passer par ces concessionnaires ou des chantiers locaux permettrait d’élargir la clientèle à d’autres modèles.» 

Pour l’heure, les kits se destinent à des bateaux classiques, comme le Riva© Ariston sur lequel nous avons navigué, mais, dans la pratique, tous les modèles sont compatibles. « Il n’y a pas de taille minimale, explique François Richard. Actuellement, nous travaillons sur des unités dont la longueur est comprise entre 5 et 13 mètres. Au-delà, le changement manque de cohérence, en particulier économique au regard du coût du parc de batteries. » Et du côté des caractéristiques techniques ? « Dans tous les cas, nous étudions en amont ce qui est faisable, afin de respecter les poids, le centre de gravité, l’équilibre, le bâti moteur, etc. Nous vérifions également la possibilité d’installer le moteur, les batteries et notre technologie. » À ces éléments techniques s’ajoutent des travaux de recherches (pour ne pas dire d’archiviste), car il est parfois nécessaire de récupérer les plans d’origine ou, à défaut, des photos ou documents d’époque. L’équipe de Lanéva Rétrofit se déplace afin de modéliser en 30 les mensurations du bateau. Ces étapes prennent du temps lorsqu’il s’agit du premier bateau, mais, une fois réalisées, les démarches sont enregistrées une fois pour toutes et facilitent l’installation des kits à venir. « Pour les bateaux suivants, c’est un peu comme si on copiait-collait le processus, détaille François Richard. À bord de bateaux comme cet Ariston, ce système est pertinent, car tous les Riva ont été produits au minimum à 500 exemplaires. Pour un bateau construit à l’unité, il y aura forcément plus d’études de faisabilité.  Mais l’avantage de l’électrique est de s’adapter à tous les usages, même si nous vérifions que le programme initial est bien maintenu. Jusqu’à présent, il n’y a pas eu de contre- indication. Pour cet Ariston, nous avons seulement retravaillé l’hé lice. » 

Si l’ancien moteur et son réservoir sont débarqués, les commandes d’origine restent à poste. En effet, hormis l’inscription « 100 % Electric » à l’arrière du Riva, rien ne le distingue des autres modèles de Riva amarrés sur le ponton de Monaco Boat Service. « Le but est de ne pas altérer le bateau et de le laisser dans sa configuration d’origine », précise François Richard. Les kits sont modulaires, qu’il s’agisse de la puissance moteur ou de la capacité des batteries. Des composants d’origine industrielle Sur le Riva© Ariston, le vieux Chrysler de 1961 qui développait 177 chevaux a été remplacé par un moteur électrique Bosch de 140 kW (soit 190 ch thermiques). Les batteries totalisent 63 kWh et le voltage est de 400 V (avec câbles blindés). « Tous les composants sont d’origine industrielle et certifiés, assure François Richard. Nous profitons de l’expérience de la construction de notre Vesper. »

Côté vitesse, cet Ariston a atteint 30 nœuds, mais il est volontairement bridé pour ne pas malmener la carène de cette vieille dame de plus de soixante ans. « Il est techniquement possible de dépasser ces 30 nœuds, car nous avons limité le moteur de moitié à 8 800 tr/mn [il est capable de monter à 16 000 tr/mn, ndl~, explique François Richard. On essaiera probablement de faire une pointe à 36 nœuds, car c’était la vitesse maximale du bateau avec son moteur thermique. » Testé au large de Monaco, le Riva s’est montré tout à fait agréable à l’usage, avec un silence propre aux motorisations électriques. L’interface Garmin permet d’avoir toutes les données en permanence, l’autonomie, le niveau des batteries, etc., mais aussi la température ou l’historique des précédentes navigations. Elle est capable de s’adapter à n’importe quelle utilisation, y compris professionnelle, car le kit peut évidemment être placé à fond de cale de bateaux de transport de passagers, de bateaux-taxis, etc. 



L’installation du kit présent à bord du Riva Ariston s’est élevée à 90 000 €, mais les premiers prix débutent aux alentours des 50 000 €. Selon Lanéva Rétrofit, le retour sur investissement est d’environ 24 mois, notamment au regard de l’économie de carburant, d’entretien, de la revente de l’ancien moteur … « Ceux qui opèrent cette transition ne le font pas forcément pour des raisons financières, mais davantage environnementales, détaille François Richard.

Évidemment, économiser 200 litres de carburant n’est pas négligeable, mais ceux qui se tournent vers le rétrofit sont déjà sensibilisés aux enjeux écologiques, ils roulent en voiture électrique, etc. » Parfois, le changement de moteur est poussé par des contraintes réglementaires. On pense entre autres aux interdictions de naviguer en thermique sur des lacs ou des plans d’eau intérieurs. « Sur la partie suisse du lac Léman, le bruit des moteurs ne doit pas dépasser 72 dB. La réglementation pourrait donc accélérer le processus, prévient François Richard qui vise cette année la revente d’une vingtaine de kits [avec ensuite un objectif de 250 par an en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, ndlr]. L’installation d’un kit prend environ deux semaines. Si le moteur et la batterie sont externes, toute la partie intelligente du système (gestion) est faite par nous. » 

Lanéva & the private concierge service Le Sur Mesure

It was in March 2022, during the Dubai Boat Show, that we met for the first time Etienne Colliaux, CEO of the private concierge service Le Sur Mesure, and then again later that year during the Monaco Ocean Week in Monaco.

It was a great human and professional encounter, with values and ambitions shared with Lanéva: to offer a unique experience to clients where human interactions are at the heart of the concerns.

Now, this relationship continues as a partnership to protect the Blue Pearl of the Pacific by promoting Lanéva Boats and Lanéva Retrofit in French Polynesia, and by making Le Sur-Mesure known on the French Riviera.

The next Lanéva & Le Sur Mesure meeting will be on March 23-24 at the Monaco Ocean Week 2023, come and meet us!

Website Le Sur Mesure 


Did you know about Polynesia ?

French Polynesia is a vast area consisting of five archipelagos in the southern Pacific Ocean, each with a unique and authentic Polynesian identity. It offers a unique and enriching experience with turquoise lagoons and incredible underwater life. 


What about green initiatives?

In terms of green initiatives, there are several innovations and initiatives in place, such as the preservation of the environment and biodiversity in exclusive resorts, the protection and replantation of corals in lagoons, and the use of the ocean’s depths to cool hospital air conditioning systems. There is also an increasing number of hybrid vehicles and 100% electric scooters on the market in Tahiti, and there are even proposals for the installation of solar panels on some islands.

Several associations have been created for the protection of corals, the replanting of corals in lagoons, and the study of marine biodiversity (usually in partnership with the University of French Polynesia).

Systems are being put in place to use the depths of the sea to cool the air conditioning systems of hospitals in Tahiti, thus enabling ecological and sustainable development (see article).

More and more projects are being presented in public, such as the recent installation of solar panels on certain islands ! (see article

More information about the destination : [email protected]

Bellini joins forces with Lanéva to electrify vintage luxury boats

We are proud to unveil this unique collaboration with the Italian specialist for more than sixty years in the restoration and trading of vintage Riva boats.

To read more, click below to access the official press release.

–>  Press Release Lanéva     –> Communiqué de Presse Lanéva

“Bellini Nautica, the world expert in the restoration of Riva® vintage boats who recently listed on Euronext Growth Milan, joins forces with Lanéva, the young innovative company based in Monaco specialized in designing and 100% electric luxury boats and certified powertrains.

This new Monegasque-Italian strategic partnership aims to become the leader in the retrofitting of classic and premium boats with electric engines, and a leader in reducing carbon emissions produced from the boating industry. The retrofit process consists of replacing the old internal combustion engine with a plug-and-play, certified, and fully electric powertrain. The ambition of this strategic partnership for the next 5 years is the sale of 150 kits, which is equivalent to a CO2 reduction of between 1000 and 1500 tonnes. 

Bellini Nautica and Lanéva’s strategic partnership responds to the new regulations in force for atmospheric and noise pollution reduction on bodies of water. 

As of today, retrofit kits compatible with all vintage Riva® boats are available. Among them, the Tritone, Florida, Olympic, Junior, Ariston, Rudy, Monte-Carlo Offshorer, Aquarama and their Super or Special versions.”

Interested owners are invited to contact the Bellini Nautica or Lanéva teams to request more information. 


Upcoming events : 2023

Join Lanéva and Bellini on their 2023 lake tour to discover and test the 100% electric Riva Ariston (Annecy, Aix les bains, Geneva, Zurich, Austria, Germany…)

Electric Motor: The major prepares for a strong transition

The electric turn of yachting is becoming clearer. The major players in marine motorization are taking action so as not to let the market escape them.

Lanéva is proud to have valiantly started this shift. Realize every day that the trend is accelerating for a more sustainable world is a real satisfaction !

“Avalanche of announcements on the electric boat”

The month of January marked a boost in the unveiling of the strategies of the major engine manufacturers around the electric boat. We have seen Volvo Penta join forces with Bénéteau for a new generation 33-foot hybrid boat. On the outboard engine side, Mercury Marine has launched its range of small horsepower Avator transportable engines on the European market with great fanfare. More discreetly, Honda Marine exhibited on the Boot Dusseldorf a concept of a small electric motor based on its batteries for 2 wheels. Finally, on the occasion of its strategic plan, Suzuki has set 2024 as the release date for its first electric outboard. Formerly reserved for specialized players and dominated by Torqeedo and ePropulsion, the marine engine market is experiencing a turning point.

No market without boats

But all these engines were not very present on the original equipment boats. Again, the shift is underway. We have seen major manufacturers exhibiting their electric models, mainly in sailing, but also in dayboats. The arrival of electric boats in the fleet of major rental companies should also reassure boaters about their ability to withstand intensive use.

The coming months and years will be exciting to observe the recomposition of the motorization market for pleasure boats.”

To read original article, click here to access to Boatindustry Mag.

2022 Monaco Yacht Show closing party by GLOBEAIR

Monaco Yacht Show closing party 2022

by Globeair

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=807hi8ilEpc

What could be more magical for Globeair than to organize an evening as part of the Monaco Yacht Show 2022 in one of the most beautiful places on the French Riviera, the 5-star hotel Cap Estel.

Combining luxury, great comfort and conviviality, the Cap Estel combines star services and offers its guests the possibility of an exceptional moment in a discreet location.

This closing evening is an event dedicated to the brand’s prestigious clients, who are passionate about yachting, luxury and the art of living. It is therefore natural that Globeair called on Lanéva to offer its customers an unforgettable moment aboard the VESPER OO1, and thus discover noiseless and odorless navigation to reach this exceptional place in complete privacy.

GlobeAir is Europe’s leading, multi-award-winning private jet operator offering on-demand charter flights at competitive rates.
As a signatory of the Monaco Energy Transition Pact and ambassador of this same Pact, we are committed on a daily basis to promoting all actions that contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of our activities, personal and professional. It is therefore natural that we support our partners in strengthening their CSR policy.

GlobeAir is committed to the environment, with a 2030 target of complying with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Specifically, GlobeAir offers carbon offset programs to its passengers to offset their carbon footprint when taking a private flight.

On September 28, 2022, the company announced that it had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Lilium, the developer of the first fully electric vertical take-off and landing (“eVTOL”) aircraft, with the aim of GlobeAir purchasing 12 planes to operate in Northern Italy and on the French Riviera. This MoU represents an important milestone for GlobeAir as the two companies come together to advance sustainable air mobility. This MoU will launch a mutually beneficial partnership to develop long-term strategic collaboration to improve sustainability and advance new technologies.



Monaco Yacht Show closing party 2022

by Globeair 


This year, Lanéva was the official partner of this magnificent closing party organized by GlobeAir.
A great opportunity to combine our values ​​of excellence, luxury and audacity, but above all to continue to raise awareness among our respective customers about reducing the carbon footprint of our personal and professional activities.

Lanéva Retrofit supported by the Government of Monaco

As part of the launch of its new branch, and in particular the first retrofit project of a vintage Riva, Lanéva benefits from the support of the Mission for Energy Transition of the Prince’s government. 

Under the impetus of H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince, the Prince’s Government is pursuing a committed energy transition policy which should reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990. As part of the recovery due to the COVID19 crisis, the Monegasque government is adding a new axis to its Green Fund. The purpose of this Fund is to support any Monegasque company that carries out a project contributing to the energy transition. This boat retrofit project is financially supported by the Prince’s Government via the team of the Mission for Energy Transition (MTE) which leads this Green Fund. 

The project 

The conversion of a vintage Riva boat to 100% electric propulsion.  Originally equipped with a 177 HP Chrysler V8 engine, the Riva Ariston had several lives before becoming a 100% electric boat.  The operation consisted in removing this engine, the associated supports and all the equipment related to the heat engine.

The engineering developed for this project has made it possible to expand the range of vintage Riva boats which will soon be electrified. All models are affected.  It is therefore not just a project but a sector that has been launched in Monaco thanks to the continued support of the Government.

The global vision of retrofitting by Lanéva

→ A bespoke electric powertrain for classic and premium boats

→ The retrofit of the most famous classic boats in the world

→ An electric powertrain weighing the same weight than the original combustion engine

→ A reversible process with storage of engines and original equipment

→ An Autonomy responding to the use of these boats sailing mainly on closed water bodies

→ The combination of the convenience of an electric vehicle and the experience of iconic classic boats

→ Allows users to continue discovering their favorite boats without being affected by regulations

→ A digital interface for real-time performance monitoring via a dedicated application

What benefits for Monaco ?

→ The first project to convert a boat to electric in the Principality

→ An impactful message for sustainable yachting in the Principality

→ A strong alliance between heritage, quality of materials, innovation and sustainable development

→ The birth of the economic sector of boat retrofit “Made in Monaco”

→ A key communication vector for the development and support of ever more sustainable and innovative mobility in Monaco.

Last but not least, François Richard, Co-founder and CEO of Lanéva is also Ambassador of the Mission for the Energy Transition (MTE) of the Prince’s Government of Monaco. Thanks to this, the whole team is committed to the promotion of best environmental practices in Monaco and elsewhere.

Lanéva wins 2021 Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) environmental award

We are honored to have won the prestigious 2021 UIM Environmental Award in recognition of our ongoing commitment to the production of fully electric luxury boats !
This award recognizes outstanding environmental leaders, whether individuals or organizations that have excelled in inspiration, vision, innovation, leadership and initiatives to the benefit of the Environment.
To read more, click here to access the official press release.


